1. Using “数字资源导航”( For Teachers, graduates and undergraduates)
1) Find and click“数字资源导航”on homepage.
2)Click “登录”at upper right corner
3)Log in with your smart campus account and passcode.
4) Visit the database or E-journal you need.
2. Using CARSI (For Teachers, graduates and undergraduates)
1) visit address: https://ds.carsi.edu.cn/secure
2) Log in with your smart campus account and passcode.
3) Database as following are available:
中国知网 | 万方数据资源 | 维普中文期刊 | 爱教材 |
Springer | EBSCO | Wiley | ProQuest |
Nature | Sciencedirect | 网上报告厅 | WOS |
森途学苑 | 科学文库 | JOVE实验视频期刊 | |
ACS | 新东方多媒体学习库 | Taylor & Francis科技期刊数据库 |
3.Using Web VPN (For Teachers and graduates only)
1) Visit address: https://vpn.sdau.edu.cn
2) Log in with your smart campus account and passcode.
1) If you have questions about literature downloading, please contact with 8247833.
2) If you have questions about personal account, please contact with 8242954.
4.Using IFC (For Teachers and graduates only)
1) Visit address: http://my.sdau.edu.cn
2) Log in with your smart campus account and passcode.
3) Find “图书馆电子资源” in “可用应用”OR you can visit and Log in with your smart campus account and passcode.