Library Cards


For all users affiliated with Shandong Agriculture university, your Campus ID Card is your library card. All users can borrow books and access library services with your Campus ID Cards. Library privileges are created and updated automatically. If you have any questions about it , please contact us. All users are responsible for updating their personal contact information.

Using Library Cards

1. Please bring library card when you visit library.

2. Each library card can only be used by the person named on it.

Lost Card Reporting and Replacing

If your card is lost or stolen, visit the Campus ID Office (Room 124 in NO.1 Building) immediately so that your card can be deactivated for your protection. To replace a lost or stolen card, visit the Campus ID Office (Room 124 in NO.1 Building)

The replacement fee for a Campus ID Card is ¥30.

Users are responsible for all books borrowed and any fines occurred before reporting the card lost.

Before Leaving

1. Before leaving SDAU, users should return all the books borrowed from library and pay off all the fines..

2.Users should take your Campus ID cards to the Library Circulation Counter for cancellation before leaving SDAU.